
RoundCube connection to storage server failed[solved] #1

Roundcube mail Centos Web Panel

RoundCube connection to storage server failed Roundcube Mail is an open-source webmail client that allows users to access their email accounts through a web browser It provides a user-friendly interface for managing and organizing emails, contacts, and calendars. Roundcube Mail is designed to be installed on a web server, enabling users to access their email […]

Redirect http to https via htaccess file

redirect http to https via htaccess

Redirect http to https via htaccess file You can force an HTTPS connection on your website by adding these rules in your website’s .htaccess file: depends what you use as cpanel or if you use CWP panel you can find in this path cd /home/user/public_html/ named us “.htaccess” add following lines under your generated .htaccess […]

Setup teamspeak3 on centos

setup teamspeak on linux centos

Install / Setup teamspeak3 server on your linux centos virtual private or dedicated server is very easy, you just need to follow the instructions and you’ll do the job in no time. You will need a virtual private server (Linux – Centos) with full root access Download “TS3 server for your 32/64 bit from […]

502 Bad Gateway cwpsrv how to fix admin panel

502 bad gateway

Hello there dear friends, I would like to share tricks and tips that come from my experience with CWP PANEL (Centos Web Panel) and the particular issue 502 Bad Gateway cwpsrv how to fix admin panel. 502 Bad Gateway CWP SRV fix to admin panel Most of the people who use this panel are developers […]