Redirect http to https via htaccess file
Redirect http to https via htaccess file You can force an HTTPS connection on your website by adding these rules in your website’s .htaccess file: depends what you use as cpanel or if you use CWP panel you can find in this path cd /home/user/public_html/ named us “.htaccess” add following lines under your generated .htaccess […]
cwpsrv issue: [emerg] SL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file
CWP SRV ( CWP PANEL) Starting cwpsrv : [emerg] SL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(“/etc/pki/tls/private/hostname.key”) failed (SSL: error:0B080074:x509 certificate routines:X509_check_private_key:key values mismatch) This means that you have conflict in your cwp srv or mismatch on your information’s this can cause changing your hostname if you trying to change your hostname while your sites and cwp already works and your primary […]